комод gorki multipurpose cabinet white единый размер белый

The Kitchen is often called the soul of the home where the cooking takes place, family members converge and assemble, eat to their hearts content and regale each other with tales, anecdotes and all the events that happened during the day. Now a kitchen is an ensemble of many things; the dining table, the kitchen stove, the kitchen cabinets, the cutlery stands, drawers, appliance stand etc. When cutlery items like spoons, forks, knives, peelers and butter spoons are left scattered and strewn all over the kitchen desk, it looks very messy and untidy and only adds to your woes. Also, these must be kept away from the reach of children lest they injure themselves. Also, instead of having a hanging cutlery stand where you can insert spoons, forks, knives and peelers into their respective slots and remove them whenever you want, this process can also be cumbersome. The best solution to this is to have a medium short drawer which is rectangular in shape and raised so as to contain the cutlery items. You can place the drawer on the Kitchen Countertop stone or table or desk and have all items at your fingertips. The Like It Medium Short Drawer Cabinet Organizer is an excellent assorted combination of Kitchen Cabinets and Short Drawers. The Dimension of the short drawer is 2.83 X 2.76 X 5.98 Inch and is made of ABS Resin material. ABS Resin is safe for food processing, has excellent impact, chemical and abrasion resistance. It is also notable for its stiffness and strength; it is easily machined recyclable. The Kitchen Cabinet is very useful and effective. It is a multipurpose cabinet and can be used to store a plethora of items like Milk, Beer bottles, Cornflakes, Ketchup, Jam, Butter, Cheese and other miscellaneous things in the pantry. It is very appealing in white and is a perfect solution to all your storage hassles. So, folks, stop scratching your heads the next time you see the mess of cutlery and pantry items in your Kitchen. - Like It Medium Short Drawer Cabinet Organizer will resolve all your woes in one go! (1). Compact, sturdy(2)Solves the cluttering and congestion problems in your Kitchen. (3). Safe from the reach of children. (4). Easily accessible on your Kitchen table. (5). Kitchen cabinet is multipurpose, wide and expansive. (6). Can store a multitude of pantry items and organize it efficiently.

Asw Opus S (A. V. Spot) Beech

Asw Opus S (A. V. Spot) Beech

Цена: 46473 руб.

Модель: ASW

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