de voragine jacobus the golden legend

Mont Blanc Legend Red is an exciting, stylish and slightly daring mens woody perfume, released in 2021 by the French brand Mont Blanc. The fragrance has joined the Legend series, which began ten years ago with the eponymous eau de toilette. It was followed by editions of Legend Eau de Parfum, Legend Intense, Legend Spirit and Legend Night. In the new edition, the composition has become bolder and more determined than ever. It will make you feel more confident, stronger and more powerful. We can say that a new legend has appeared in the exciting mens fragrance collection, bringing with it unforgettable sensations. Charismatic woody perfume awakens the excitement of speed and makes the heart beat a little faster. Even a stylish bright red perfume bottle resembles a luxury sports car racing through the streets of Monte Carlo. The aromatic composition Mont Blanc Legend Red starts with the explosive freshness of a blood orange, shaded by the sweetness of persimmon. The heart of the composition responds with herbaceous-spicy shades of nutmeg sage. And the perfume ends with a magnetic woody accord.

Mercyful Fate. In The Shadows (CD)

Mercyful Fate. In The Shadows (CD)

Цена: 704 руб.

Модель: Metal Blade Records

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